3. “Anonymous在Karnterstrasse 32 v.41维也纳工作坊展厅举办的时装面料装饰艺术公开展” 高清作品[97%]

Public <em>Exhibition</em> of Fashion Fabrics Decorative Arts from the Vienna Workshops <em>Exhibition</em> Hall in the Karnterstrasse 32 v.41-

图片文件尺寸 : 1986 x 3904px

“Anonymous在Karnterstrasse 32 v.41维也纳工作坊展厅举办的时装面料装饰艺术公开展”-Anonymous

Public Exhibition of Fashion Fabrics Decorative Arts from the Vienna Workshops Exhibition Hall in the Karnterstrasse 32 v.41--Anonymous

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4. 1848年在阿姆斯特丹皇家艺术学院举行的在世大师艺术作品展上展出伦勃朗雕像的石膏模特 高清作品[93%]

The <em>exhibition</em> of the plaster model of the statue of Rembrandt at the <em>exhibition</em> of works of art-

图片文件尺寸 : 2672 x 3364px

1848年在阿姆斯特丹皇家艺术学院举行的在世大师艺术作品展上展出伦勃朗雕像的石膏模特-living masters, at the Royal Academy of Art in Amsterdam in 1848. by Jan Baptist Tetar van Elven

The exhibition of the plaster model of the statue of Rembrandt at the exhibition of works of art--Jan Baptist Tetar van Elven (荷兰, 1805-1889)


10. 安迪·沃霍尔 丹佛艺术博物馆双猫王展览海报 高清作品[89%]

Double Elvis, Denver Art Museum <em>Exhibition</em> Poster

图片文件尺寸 : 4524 x 4089px

Andy Warhol:Double Elvis, Denver Art Museum Exhibition Poster, 1977
Offset lithographic poster in color on shiny wove paper, signed in ink, from the edition of unknown size, published by the Denver Art Museum for their 1977 exhibition Andy Warhol Portraits, the full sheet.
sheet 40 x 26in (101.5 x 66cm)

安迪·沃霍尔 丹佛艺术博物馆双猫王展览海报

下载安迪·沃霍尔 丹佛艺术博物馆双猫王展览海报大图

14. 基思·哈林 Keith Haring Drawings,Tony Shafrazi画廊展览海报 高清作品[88%]

Keith Haring Drawings, Tony Shafrazi Gallery <em>exhibition</em> poster

图片文件尺寸 : 4777 x 4902px

Keith Haring:Keith Haring Drawings, Tony Shafrazi Gallery exhibition poster, 1982
Lithograph on wove paper, signed in silver ink, from the edition of unknown size, published by Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, for the 1982 Keith Haring Drawings exhibition, the full sheet.
sheet 23 3/4 x 17 7/8in (60.3 x 45.4cm)

基思·哈林 Keith Haring Drawings,Tony Shafrazi画廊展览海报

下载基思·哈林 Keith Haring Drawings,Tony Shafrazi画廊展览海报大图